Vadim Kudryavtsev home page
My Scientific Collection
Conference Proceedings,
The big part of my collection you can find on my
FTP Collection
Unfortunately, my hard drive is not so big as I wish, so don't hesitate to ask me about placing
materials (papers, books) on FTP. If number of users will increase, it will be reason to increase memory
available for FTP.
Conference Proceedings
- ICASSP-93,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1993.
- ICASSP'95,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Detroit, Michigan, May 8-12, 1995.
- ICASSP'96,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-9, 1996.
- ICASSP'97,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Munich, Germany, April 21-24, 1997
- ICASSP'98,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Seattle, Washington, USA, May 12-15, 1998
- ICASSP'99,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 15-19, 1999
- ICASSP'2000,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Istanbul, May 5, 2000
- ICASSP'2001,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7-11, 2001
- ICASSP'2004,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 5, 2004
- ISCCSP'2004,
IEEE International Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing (ISCCSP04),
Hammamet, Tunisia, 21-24 March, 2004.
- DSP-97(pdf),
13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, July 2-4, 1997, Santorini, Greece.
- EUSIPCO-96(available online),
VIII European Signal Processing Conference, 10-13 September,1996, Trieste, Italy.
- EUSIPCO-98(pdf)
(available online),
IX European Signal Processing Conference, 8-11 September,1998, Rodos Palace, Island of Rhodes, Greece.
- EUSIPCO-2000(pdf)
(available online),
X European Signal Processing Conference, September 4-8, 2000, Tampere, Finland.
- EUSIPCO-2002(available online),
XI European Signal Processing Conference, 3-6 September,2002, Toulouse, France.
- AES-108, Audio Engineering Society 108th Convention
Paris, France, 2000 February 19-22.
- AES-109, Audio Engineering Society 109th Convention
Los Angeles, California, 2000 September 22-25.
- AES-115, Audio Engineering Society 115th Convention
New York, NY, USA, 2003 October 10-13.
- DAFX'98(available online),
First COST-G6 Workshop on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98),
November 19-21, 1998, Barcelona, Spain.
- DAFX'99(available online),
2nd COST-G6 Workshop on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx99),
December 9-11, 1999, Trondheim, Norway.
- DAFX'00(available online),
COST-G6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-00),
December 7-9, 2000, Verona, Italy.
- DAFX'01(available online),
COST-G6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-01),
December 6-8, 2001, Limerick, Ireland.
- DAFX'02(available online),
5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-02),
September 26-28, 2002, Hamburg, Germany.
- DAFX'03(available online),
6th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-03,
8-11 September, 2003, Queen Mary, University of London.
- DAFX'04(available online),
7th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx'04,
5-8 October, 2004, Naples, Italy.
I think that these DSP-books will interesting for you :
Martin Vetterli and Jelena Kovacevic, Wavelets and
Subband Coding, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1995, pp. 488.
Contents в PDF-формате.
Scanned version in JPG-format.

J.C. Goswami, A.K. Chan. Fundamentals of Wavelets.
Theory, Algorithms, and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New-York, 1999, pp.
Contents в PDF-формате.
Scanned version in DJVU-format.

Fliege N., Multiratensignalverarbeitung, B.G.
Teubner Stuttgart, 1993, pp. 405.
Contents в PDF-формате.
Scanned version in JPG-format.

LIDL, R., AND NIEDERREITER, H. Finite Fields. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1983. (Now distributed by Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1984.)
This book I have only in russian translation, but I recommend it for all who wants to now much more about finite fields and their structure
At first I want to present two beautiful papers Of Jonathan Hong and Martin Vetterli
It is well-known that Fourier transform of two real sequences can be calculated
by one complex Fourier transform of the same length
First paper
"Computing m DFT' s Over GF(q) with One
DFT Over GF(qm)"
extends this idea on the case of finite fields.
Second paper
"Hartley Transforms Over Finite Fields"
also uses conjugacy relations for synthesis Hartley transform on finite fields.
List of scanned papers
Unfortunately, it is not possible to place all materials on FTP. So I placed here
list of scanned by me scientific papers. Not all papers have still full bibliografic links.
It will be corrected later. Not all are classified. Some titles of russian papers are still not translated to english.
Anyway if somebody wants to have some paper, please e-mail me. I will sent it to you by E-Mail.
- The Chirp z-Transform Algorithm and Its Application. L.R. Rabiner, R.W. Shafer, C.M. Rader
(The Bell System Technical Journal, May-June, 1969, pp. 1249-1292)
- Error Correcting Codes
- A Simple Derivation of the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm and Some Applications. K. Imamura, W. Yoshida
- Fast Transform Algorithm for Use in Decoding BCH-Type Codes. G.R. Redinbo, K.K. Rao
- The Use of Information Sets in Decoding Cyclic Codes. E. Prange
- An Automorphism Groups of Binary Primitive DCH Codes. C.-C. Lu, L.R. Welch
- Cosine Transform
- A New Two-Dimensional Fast Cosine Transform Algorithm. S.C. Chan and K.L. Ho
- Cepstrum Analysis Using Discrete Trigonometric Transforms. F. Wang, P. Yip
- A Two-Dimensional Fast Cosine Transform Algorithm Based on Hou's Approach. H.R. Wu, F.J. Paoloni
- Fast Recursive Algorithm For Computing the Discrete Cosine Transform. H.S. Hou
- Fast Computation of the Discrete Cosine Transform and the Discrete Hartley Transform. H.S. Malvar
- Cryptography
- Opening the Knapsack by DFTs. T. Maseng
- Implementation of Digital Signatures. B. Arazi
- Fast Decipherment Algorithm for RSA Public-key Cryptosystem. J.-J. Quisquater, C. Couvreur
- How Iterative Transformations can help to Crack the Merkle-Hellman Cryptographic Scheme. Y. Desmedt, J. Vandewalle, R. Govaerts
- Residue Number System Error Checking Using Expanded Projection. W.K. Jenkins
- Strong RSA Keys. J. Gordon
- Пара статей из кибернетического сборника (не помню какого)
- Частные Ферма и логарифмирование в мультипликативной группе кольца вычетов по примарному модулю. В.М. Сидельников
- Конечные автоматы и периодические разложения действительных чисел. С.С. Марченков
- Лосев В.В. Факторизация матриц бинарных сигналов. (Радиотехника, 1992)
- Filter Banks
- Copied in Moscow scientific technical library
- M. Vetterli. "A Theory of Multirate Filter Banks". IEEE
Trans. ASSP, vol ASSP-35 pp, 356-372, Mar. 1987.
- K. Swaminathan. P. Vaidyanathan. Theory and Design of
Uniform DFT, Parallel, Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks. IEEE
Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-33, No. 12, pp.
1170-1191, December 1986.
- M.J.T. Smith, T.P. Barnwell,III. A New Filter Bank Theory
for Time-Frequency Representation. IEEE Trans. ASSP-35,
No 3, March 1987.
- M. Vetterli, "Filter banks allowing perfect reconstruction".
Signal processing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 219-244, 1986.
- M. Vetterli. "Multidimensional Subband Coding: Some
Theory and Algorithms". Signal processing, V.6 pp.97-112,
Feb, 1984.
G. Wackersreuter. Supplement to "On The Two-Dimensional
Polyphase Filter Banks".
- Onedimensinal filterbanks, twochannel structures
- T.Q. Nguyen and P.P. Vaidyanathan. "Two-channel perfect
reconstruction FIR QMF structures which yield linear-phase
analysis and synthesis filters", IEEE Trans., Acoust., Spe-
ech, Signal Processing, vol.37, pp. 676-690, May 1989.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan and P.-Q. Hoang. "Lattice structures
for optimal design and robust implementation of two-channel
perfect reconstruction QMF banks", IEEE Trans., Acoust.,
Speech, Signal Processing, vol.36, pp. 81-94, Jan. 1988.
- K. Kurosawa, K. Yamamoto, I. Yamada. A Simple Design
Method of Perfect Reconstruction QMF Banks. IEEE Transacti-
ons on Circuit and Systems - II: Analog and Digital Signal
Processing, Vol. 41, No 3, March 1994.
- Z. Doganata, P.P. Vaydyanathan. On One-Multiplier
Implementation of FIR Lattice Structures. IEEE Trans.on Circuit
and Systems, vol. CAS-34, No.12, pp. 1608-1609, Dec. 1987.
- B.-R. Horng, H. Samueli, A.N. Wilson. The Design of
Two-Channel Lattice-Structure Perfect-Reconstruction Filter
Banks Using Power-of-Two Coefficients. IEEE Transactions on
Circuit and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,
Vol. 40, No 7, July 1993.
- Twodimensinal filterbanks
- G. Karlsson, M. Vetterli. Theory of Two-Dimensional
Multirate Filter Banks.
- P.P. Vaydyanathan. Perfect Reconstruction QMF Banks for
Two-Dimensional Application.
- Sh. Venkataraman, B. Levy. State-Space Representation
0f 2-D FIR Lossless Transfer Matrices.
- Onedimensinal filterbanks, multichannel structures
- P.P. Vaidyanathan. "Theory and Design of M-Channel
Maximally Decimated Quadrature Mirror Filters with Arbitrary
M, Having the Perfect Reconstruction Property. IEEE
Trans. ASSP-35, pp. 476-492, No.4, April 1987.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan, S.K. Mitra. "Polyphase Networks,
Block Digital Filtering, LPTV Systems and Alias-free QMF
Banks: A Unified Approach based on Pseudocirculants". IEEE
Trans. ASSP-36, pp. 381-391, Mar. 1988.
- T.Q. Nguyen, P.P. Vaydyanathan. Maximally Decimated
Perfect Reconstruction FIR Filter Banks with Pairwaise Mir-
ror-Image Analysis (and Synthesis) Frequency Responses.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan, T.Q. Nguyen, Z. Doganata, T. Sarama-
ki. "Improved Technique for Design of Perfect Reconstructi-
ons FIR QMF Banks with Lossless Polyphase Matrices". IEEE
Trans. ASSP-37, July 1989.
- T.Q. Nguyen, P.P. Vaydyanathan. Structures for M-Channel
Perfect-Reconstruction FIR QMF Banks Which Yield Linear-Phase
Analysis Filters. IEEE Trans. ASSP-38, March 1990. pp.433-446.
- Z. Doganata, P.P. Vaidyanathan, T.Q. Nguyen. General
Synthesis Procedures for FIR Lossless Transfer Natrices, for
Perfect Reconstruction Multirate Filter Bank Applications.
IEEE Trans. ASSP-36, No.10, 1988.
- C.R. Galand, H.J. Nussbaumer. New Quadrature Mirror
Filter Structures. IEEE Trans. ASSP-32, No.3, 1984.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan. A Note on General Parallel QMF Bank.
IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems, Vol CAS-34, No. 1,
January 1987.
- R.A. Meyer, C.S. Burrus. A Unified Analysis of Multira-
te and Periodically Time-Varying Digital Filters. IEEE Tran-
sactions on Circuit and Systems, Vol CAS-22, March, 1975.
- M. Vetterli, D. Le Gall. Perfect Recinstruction FIR
Filter Banks: Some Properites and Factorizations. IEEE
Trans. ASSP-37, No.7, July 1989.
- P.P. Vaydyanathan, K. Swaminathan. Alias-Free, Real-Co-
efficient m-Band QMF Banks for arbitrary m. IEEE Transacti-
ons on Circuit and Systems, Vol CAS-34, No.12, December,
- Z. Doganata, P.P. Vaydyanathan. Minimal Structures for
the Implementation of Digital Rational Lossless Systems.
IEEE Trans. ASSP-38, No.12, December, 1990.
- Ph.A. Begalia, S.K. Mitra, P.P. Vaidyanathan, M.K. Ren-
fors, Y. Neuvo. Tree Structured Complementary Filter Banks
Using All-Pass Sections. IEEE Transactions on Circuit and
Systems, Vol CAS-34, No.12, December, 1987.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan, Ts. Chen. Structures for Anticausal
Inverses and Application in Multirate Filter Banks. IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46, No.2, February
1998, pp. 507-514.
- Z. Cvetkovic, M. Vetterli. Oversampled Filter Banks.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46, No.5,
May 1998, pp. 1245-1255.
- Block Filtering Filter Banks
- C.S. Burrus. Block Implementation of Digital Filters. IEEE Trans-
actions on Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-18, No.6, November 1971.
- C.S. Burrus. Design and Implementation of Multirate Digital Fil-
ters. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proces-
sing, vol. ASSP-24, pp. 53-58, No1,February 1976.
- M. Vetterli. Running FIR and IIR Filtering Using Multirate Filter
Banks. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proces-
sing, vol. ASSP-36, pp. 730-738, May 1988.
- C.W. Barnes, Sh. Shinnaka. Block-Shift Invariance and Block Imple-
mentation of Discrete Time Filters. IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems, Vol. CAS-27, No.8, August 1980.
- C.L. Nikias. Fast Block Data Processing via a New IIR Digital Fil-
ter Structure. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, vol. ASSP-32, pp. 770-779, No.4, August 1984.
- S.K. Mitra, R. Chanasekaran. Block Implementation of Recursive Di-
gital Filters - New Structures and Properties. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-25, No.4, April 1978.
- Filterbanks. Reviews
- P.P. Vaidyanathan. "Quadrature mirror filter banks,
M-band extensions and perfect reconstruction technique",
IEEE ASSP Mag., vol.4, pp. 4-20, July 1987.
- Filterbank implementation
- P. P. Vaidyanathan and V. C. Liu, "Classical sampling theorems in the context of multirate and polyphase digital filter bank structures," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., vol. 36, pp. 1480--1495, Sept. 1988.
- P. Vaidyanathan and V. Liu, "Efficient reconstruction of band-limited sequences from nonuniformly decimated versions by use of polyphase filter banks," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 1927.
- H. Nussbaumer, "Polynomial transform implementation of digital filter banks," IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 31, pp. 616-622 (June 1983).
- P.P. Vaidyanathan, P. Regalia, S.K. Mitra, Design of doubly complementary IIR digital filters using a single complex all-pass filter, with multirate applications, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems 34 (4) (April 1987) 378-389.
- T. P. Barnwell III, "Subband Coder Design Incorporating Recursive Quadrature Filters and Optimum ADPCM Coders," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-30, No. 5, October 1982.
- Design of filters and filterbanks
- Peceli, G., Feher, B.: Digital Filters Based on Recursive Walsh-Hadamard Transformation. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-37. No. 1. 1990. pp. 150-152.
- Ansari, R., and Liu, B. (1985, February).
A class of low-noise computationally efficient recursive digital filters with applications to sampling rate alternations.
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 33, 90-97.
- P.P. Vaidyanathan, T.Q. Nguyen, "Eigenfilters, a new approach to least-squares
FIR filters design and applications including Nyquist filters", IEEE Trans. on Circuits
and Systems, vol. CAS-34, pp. 11-23, January 1987.
- Ф. Андай. Общий метод расчета активных фильтров,
использующих полюс операционного усилителя. ТИИЭР, т.68, N4, апрель, 1980, стр. 118
- К.Р. Рао, М.А. Редди, С. Равичандран, В. Рамамуртхи, Р.Р. Санкар.
Фильтр на двойном интеграторе с активной коррекцией, не тербующий согласованных операционных усилителей.
ТИИЭР, т.68, N4, апрель, 1980, стр. 119
- Ю. Гайбин. Простой метод расчета соединений в цепи обратной связи
сдвигающего регистра для получения задержанных последовательностей максимальной длины.
ТИИЭР, т.68, N4, апрель, 1980, стр. 122
- Ов (H.P. van Ow). О синтезе цифровых фильтров. ТИИЭР, 1968.
- C.-K. Chan, C.-F. Chen. Sample-by-sample approach to recursive digital filtering.
Electronics Letters, 16th February, 1984, Vol.20, No. 4.
- Regalia, P. Mitra, S. Low-sensitivity active filter realization using a complex all-pass filter.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Apr 1987, Vol.34, N4, pp. 390- 399.
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Notch Fourier Transform. Y.Tadokoro, K.Abe
- Existence of a 2n FFT Algorithm with a Number of Multiplications lower than 2(n+1). P.Duhamel, H.Hollmann
- Recursive Cyclotomic Factorization - a New Algorithm for Calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform. J.-B. Martens
- Fast Fourier Transform Over Finite Groups by Multiprocessor Systems. T.D. Roziner, M.G. Karpovsky, L.A. Trachtenberg
- On the Structure of Efficient DFT Algorithms. H.W. Johnson, C.S. Burrus
- On Relating Discrete Fourier, Sine, and Symmetric Cosine Transform. O. Ersoy
- Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithms for Real Valued Sequences. J.-B. Martens
- A Two-Stage representation of DFT and Its Applications. O.K. Ersoy
- An In-Place, In-Order Prime Factor FFT Algorithm. C.S. Burrus, P. Eschenbacher
- 'Split Radix' FFT Algorithm. P. Duhamel, H. Hollmann
- Implementation of "Split-Radix" FFT Algorithms for Complex, Real, and Real-Symmetric Data. P. Duhamel
- Split-Radix Algorithms for Length-p^m DFT's. M. Vetterli, P. Duhamel
- Algorithms Meeting the Lower Bounds on the Multiplicative Complexity of Length-2^n DFT's and Their Connection with Practical Algorithms. P.Duhamel
- Fast Algorithms for the Discrete W Transform and for the Discrete Fourier Transform. Zh. Wang
- Range and Error Analysis for a Fast Fourier Transform Computed over Z[w]. J.H. Cozzens, L.A. Finkelstein
- On Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform of a Linear Phase Sequence. V. Nagesha
- The Arithmetic Fourier Transform. D.W. Tufts, G. Sadasiv
- Hartley transform
- Improved Fourier and Hartley Transform Algorithms: Application to Cyclic Convolution of Real Data. P. Duhamel, M. Vetterli.
- An Improved Digit-Reversal Permutation Algorithm for the Fast Fourier and Hartley Transforms. D.M.V. Evans.
- Fast Hartley Transform Prunning. S.B. Narayanan, K.M.M. Prabhu.
- Number-theoretic transform
- Generalized Fermat-Mersenne Number Theoretic Transform. V.S. Dimitrov, T.V. Cooklev, B.D. Donevsky.
- Reducing the Number of Operations in Certain Finite Field Transforms. D.M. Mandelbaum.
- Combination of Complex Rectangular Transforms and F.N.T. to Implement Fast Convolution. N.S. Reddy, V.U. Reddy.
- Polynomial Products by Means of Generalized Number Theoretic Transform. J.B. Martens.
- Modified Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Convolutions by Polynomial Transforms. H. Sun.
- Ortogonal transforms
- Свердлик М.Б. Матричная интерпретация алгоритма БПФ для взаимно
простых сомножителей. Радиотехника и электроника, 1983, N 10.
- Свердлик М.Б. Матричная интерпретация и вычислительная эффективность
алгоритмов БПФ. Радиотехника и электроника, 1984, N 2.
- Свердлик М.Б., Троянский А.В. Обощенное матричное описание
алгоритма БПФ. Радиоэлектроника, 1992, N 5.
- Бовбель Е.И., Рубанов Н.С. Алгоритмы вычисления двумерных циклических сверток:
алгебраический подход. Зарубежная радиоэлектроника, 1992, N 3.
- Бакулин М.Г., Крейнделин В.Б., Терехов А.Л. Спектральный алгоритм
фильтрации линейных рекуррентных последовательностей. Радиоэлектроника, 1992, N 5.
- Гагарин Ю.И. Обобщенные быстрые алгоритмы дискретных преобразований
сигналов по нечетно-периодическим ортогональным функциям.
- Гагарин Ю.И. Псевдогнездовые алгоритмы двумерных преобразований
цифровых сигналов. Радиоэлектроника, 1991, N3.
- Агаян С.С. Успехи и проблемы ортогональных преобразований (для
обработки сигналов-изображений).
- Власенко В.А., Лаппа Ю.М. Гнездовые алгоритмы быстрого двухмерного
преобразования Хартли. Радиотехника и электроника, 1990,
вып. 4.
- Григорян А.М. Алгоритм вычсления одномерного дискретного
преобразования Адамара. Радиоэлектроника, 1991, N8. (Лет десять назад читал - ошибка в рассуждениях)
- Яцимирский М.Н. Рекурсивные алгоритмы быстрого преобразования
Фурье-Хартли четной и нечетной последовательностей. Радио-
электроника, 1991, N9.
- Чернов В.М. Алгоритмы двумерных ортогональных преобразований,
реализованные в кодах Гамильтона-Эйзенштейна. Проблемы передачи
информации, 1995, вып. 3.
- Гречишников А.И. Модифицированные алгоритмы БПФ с уменьшенным
числом операций умножения.
- Лаппа Ю.М. Теоретико-числовое преобразование Хартли. Радиотехника и электроника, Вып.7., 1990, стр 1456-1462.
- Лаппа Ю.М. Алгоритм быстрого преобразования Фурье с расщепленным основанием в конечном поле GF(q^2). Радиотехника и
электроника, Вып.4., 1990, стр 746-751.
- Судаков Ю.А. Алгоритм быстрого преобразования Фурье с минимальным числом умножений. Радиотехника и электроника, Вып.6.,
1990, стр 1260-1266.
- Ярославский Л.П., Власенко В.А.,Лаппа Ю.М. Методы синтеза алгоритмов быстрого преобразовнаия Фурье.
- Mathematics
- A Fast Algorithm for Solving a Toeplitz System of Equations. R. Kumar. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-33, N1, February 1985.
- Generation of Irreducible Polynomials over a Finite Rings. IEEE Transaction on Education, June-July 1965.
- On Addition and Multiplication with Henkel Codes. Ch.J. Zarovski, H.C. Card. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 39, N15, December 1990.
- Fast Computation of A*B Modulo N. P.W. Baker. Electronics Letters, Vol. 23, N15, July 1987.
- Aryabhata Algorithm for Polynomials. S.C. Kak. Electronics Letters, Vol. 23, N16, July 1987.
- Relationships between m-Sequences over GF(q) and GF(q^m). W.J. Park, J.J. Komo. IEEE Transactions on Informations Theory, Vol. 35, N1, January 1989.
- A New Technique for Fast Number Comparison in the Residue Number System. G. Dimauro, S. Impedovo, G. Pirlo. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 42, N5, May 1993.
- Improving an Algorithm for Factoring Polynomials over a Finite Field and Constructing Large Irreducible Polynomials. P.F. Camion. IEEE Transactions on Informations Theory, Vol. IT-29, N3, May 1983.
- On the Polynomial Residue Number System. A. Skavantzos, F.J. Tailor. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 39, N1, January 1991.
- The Applications of Core Functions to Residue Number Systems. J. Gonnella. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 39, N1, January 1991.
- An Algorithm for Polynomial Multiplication that does not Depend on the Ring Constant. M. Kaminski. Journal of Algorithms 9, 137-147 (1988).
- Arithmetic Operations for Digital Computers Using a Modified Reflected Binary Code. H.M. Lucal. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, December 1959.
- Factorization of Cymmetric Circulant Matrices in Finite Fields. M.J. Weinberger, A. Lempel. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 28 (1990), 271-285.
- Gray Code Sequences of Partitons. C. D. Savage. Journal of Algorithms 10, 577-595 (1988).
- High-Speed Binary Adder. H. Ling. IBM Journal Research Development, Vol. 23, N3, May 1981.
- Efficient Probabilistic Algorithm for Solving Quadratic Equations over Finite Fields. T. Itoh. Electronics Letters, Vol. 23, N17, August 1987.
- Generalised Fast Algorithm for Computing Multiplicative Inverses in GF(2^m). Y. Asano, T. Itoh, S. Tsujii. Electronics Letters, Vol. 24, N6, March 1988.
- Effective Recursuve Algorithm for Computing Multiplicative Inverses in GF(2^m). T. Itoh, S Tsujii. Electronics Letters, Vol. 24, N6, March 1988.
- On the Distribution of Running Times of Certain Integer Factoring Algorithms. J.L. Haffner. Journal of Algorithms 10, 531-556 (1988).
- Probabilistic Computation of Integer Polynomial GCDs. A. Schonhage. Journal of Algorithms 9, 365-371 (1988).
- Solution to a Linear Diophantine Equation for Nonnegative Integers. H. Greenberg. Journal of Algorithms 9, 343-353 (1988).
- Factoring Polynomials over Finite Fields. L. Ronyai. Journal of Algorithms 9, 391-400 (1988).
- Modulation
- Digital single-sideband modulation. P.M. Terrel, P.J.W. Rayner
- Оптимальный базис в задаче определения огибающей сигнала. Д.Д. Кловский, С.Я. Шатских, С.М. Широков
- К созданию единой теории модуляции. Часть I. Соотношения между огибающей и фазой. Велкер
- К созданию единой теории модуляции. Часть II. Манипуляция нулями. Велкер
- Others
- Multiple FIR Filters on a Finite Ring. H. Murakami
- A New Speech Signal Scrambling Method for Secure Communications: Theory, Implementation, and Security Evaluation. E. del Re, R. Fantacci, D. Maffucci IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 7, No.4, May 1989, pp. 474-480.
- Алгоритм обращения дискретной свертки методом секционирования. Б.В. Титков
- О способах секционирования дискретных последовательностей в процедуре свертки, используемой для цифровой фильтрации. В.Г. Гусев. Радиотехника и электроника, Вып. 11, 1986, стр. 2303-2306.
- Модификация полиномиального метода вычисления свертки сигналов. Левшин В.И., Симонов А.И. Радиотехника и электроника, Вып. 9, 1986, стр. 1757-1764.
- Спектральный анализ на основе линейоной симметрии корреляционной матрицы. Ю.А. Буняк
- Производящие функции (Из кники Тадао Касами и еще кого-то)
- Complex Haar Transform. K.R. Rao. K. Revuluri, M.A. Narasimhan, N. Ahmed
- Reduced-Complexity Digital Filtering Structures Using Primitive Operations. D.R. Bull, D.H. Horrocks
- Fast Digital Convolution Using p-adic Transforms. N.M. Nasrabadi, R.A. King
- З.Д. Лернер. Экспоненциальное преобразование. Радиоэлектроника, 1991, N3, стр. 98
- И.Д. Горбенко. Свойства характеристических дискретных сигналов.
- ResearchIndex (The NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library)
- SPIB -
Signal Processing Information Base
P. P. Vaidyanathan - Professor of Electrical Engineering. California Institute of Technology
Sony Akkarakaran. Digital Signal Processing Group,
Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology.
DSP Group Калифорнийского Технологического Института
Martin Vetterli. Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. University of California, Berkeley
DISPO - Digital Signal Processing Group in Bochum Ruhr University, Germany
- Heinz G. Goeckler - Professor of Bochum Ruhr University, chief of DISPO
Andreas Klappenecker and his
publications. You can find here also list of wavelet researchers
- Также гляньте на страничку ссылок
факультета телекоммуникаций Технического Университета Греции
- During making this list occasionally was found
interesting site devoted to cryptography
- And Library on ukrainian site of informational security
If you are interested for some paper or some chapter in the book, please tell me via
I am also open for discussion of various question in DSP area.